Said blanket starts out benignly as a baby blanket- hand-picked, pristine and draped lovingly over a sleeping baby. And, then it takes on a more important role. Companion.
As Harper Lee famously quoted, “You can choose your friends but you sho’ can’t choose your family…” (To Kill a Mockingbird). There’s something to that. How do we choose friends? And, how fortunate if the methodology for choosing friends, turns out to be the same formula for nurturing a relationship with a sibling?
As impending parents we consider how we can best influence this precious life on the brink of joining us, we think about how will it change our dynamic and, will we ever sleep again (the stories are scary!)?
In considering how to raise kind children, I reflected back to when the word “kindness” superseded “nice” in my consciousness. Because, as much as validating and modeling kindness benefits our children, a defining moment could ingrain it.
Are your decisions aligned with what your heart tells you or are you swayed by fear, guilt, or doubt? Are you willing to stand by your decisions even if it sets you and your child apart?
As the summer progressed, our children were just one proclamation away from the U-Haul being loaded up much earlier than planned.
Tomorrow is the first of May, a date noteworthy for those of us who are parents of college-bound seniors.
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