As impending parents we consider how we can best influence this precious life on the brink of joining us, we think about how will it change our dynamic and, will we ever sleep again (the stories are scary!)?
Are your parenting decisions aligned with what your heart tells you or are you swayed by fear, guilt or doubt?
The community of “ponderers” at can offer up their own musings or tackle such questions like, “What does your soul look like?” or “What do you miss most about being five years old?” Awesome stuff.
Don’t we all want to reside in states of joy, faith, kindness and worthiness instead of their dark shadow selves of depression, fear, unkindness and worthlessness?
Are lonely and alone interchangeable terms or mutually exclusive?
Today marks the 12th Anniversary of my dad’s passing. In an instant, I lost my biggest fan.
Being alone with your inner voice can be daunting. Especially for a teenager whose sense of self is in flux and his/her world, while exciting can also make them feel vulnerable and exposed.